Fighting for working families
Councilman Lavarro knows that Jersey City’s working families and taxpayers built this City, not the luxury high-rise developers. As Jersey City is rapidly pricing out and pushing out residents, Councilman Lavarro continues to offer policies and solutions to keep Jersey City affordable — a Jersey City for all.
Rent-hike freeze during the pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense hardship and sorrow. As residents were faced with loss of jobs and income, Councilman Lavarro co-sponsored with Councilman James Solomon a rent-freeze during New Jersey’s state of emergency.
Earned sick days: Councilman Lavarro sponsored the ordinance requiring all Jersey City businesses to provide sick days to employees. The legislation served as a model for the State of New Jersey, which would become statewide policy.
Living-Wage Ordinance: Working with labor, Councilman Lavarro co-sponsored legislation that lifted the wages of janitors, security guards, clerical and food service workers, and mandated some form of healthcare.
Wage Theft Protection: Councilman Lavarro championed wage theft legislation, which also became statewide policy protecting workers from unscrupulous employers.